Approach for Leucine and Isoleucine Zipper motif Identification
L. Lukic-Bilela, S. Doric, D. Osmankovic, N. Pojskic, H. Cetkovic, B. Plese
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
INGDIF R script: Simple measure based on analysis of genetic differentiation
Pojskic N. 2015, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo.
Reference: Pojskic, N. (2017). INGDIF - Simple measure based on analysis of genetic differentiation. Genetics & Applications, 1(2):56-58.
ALRATIO: R script for analyses of relation between detected and effective number of alleles.
Pojskic N. 2015, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo.
Reference: Pojskic, N. (2019). ALRATIO-R script for the analysis of relation between the effective and the detected number of alleles. Genetics & Applications, 3(1):77-80.
GENORATIO: R script for analyses of relation between detected and maximun possible number of genotypes
Pojskic N. 2015, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo.
iMAF R script: Index of Major Allele Frequency
Pojskic N. 2015, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo.
Reference: Pojskic, N. (2018). iMAF - Index of Major Allele Frequency. Genetics & Applications, 2(2):78-81.
Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 8, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Phone: +387-33-220926; fax: +387-33-442891.
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